Attorney General Alliance
The AG Alliance (AGA) serves as a bipartisan forum where Attorneys General work in cooperation to share ideas, build relationships, and foster enforcement through meetings, panels, working groups, and social activities.
Importantly, AGA provides a unique environment where the public and private sectors can interact and discuss policy initiatives through virtual and in-person meetings and events, while promoting the importance of community, leading to development of key long-term relationships.

Our State Attorneys General
As the chief legal officers of the states, commonwealths, and territories of the United States, the Attorneys General serve as counselors to state agencies and legislatures, and as representatives of the public interest.
AGA, formed in 1982 as the Conference of Western Attorneys General, supports Attorneys General from 51 U.S. states and territories. Starting as a small, western-focused organization that met once annually, AGA has grown into an international law enforcement community covering a broad range of issues surrounding the Rule of Law.
AGA is focused on the most important issues for the AG community, including consumer protection, cybersecurity, antitrust, environmental protection, elder protection, student protection, human trafficking, organized retail crime, cannabis, sports betting, and privacy issues at the local, state, and international levels.